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A List of Great Hanukkah Books

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By Esther Feldbaum December 14, 2012
Tell it like they do in Hebrew School
The Story of Hanukkah, by David A. Adler
My neighbor/grad school professor wrote this book
In the Month of Kislev: A Story for Hanukkah, by Nina Jaffe
Everyone loves a monster story
Herschel and the Hanukkah Goblins, by Eric Kimmel
Giggles and chuckles
Hanukkah Ha Has, by Katy Hall
No list would be complete without a dinosaur book
How Do Dinosaurs Say Happy Chanukah?, by Jane Yolen
Happy Chrismakah!
Daddy Christmas and Mommy Hanukkah, by Selina Alko
My Two Holidays, by Danielle Novak
Familiar characters for toddlers:
Biscuit's Hanukkah, by Alyssa Satin Capuccili 
Happy Hanukkah Curious George, by H.A. Rey
The Count's Hanukkah Countdown, by Tilda Balsley
Elmo's Dreidel, by Naomi Kleinberg
Thought-provoking for tweens
A Hanukkah Present, by Mark Binder
Tell it with numbers in three languages
Hanukkah: A Counting Book, by Emily Spier
They eat latkes & spin dreidels everywhere
Hanukkah Around the World, by Tami Lehman-Wilzig
Can you believe this exists?
Hanukkah Mad Libs, by Roger Price