
8 Family Friendly Ways to Celebrate the New Year

Saying Farewell to 2024 in Style as a Family

By Sara Yaniga, Macaroni Kid Chicago (Midtown) December 9, 2024

I’m sure our family isn’t the only one trying to figure out the best way to celebrate the New Year together. Traditions that involve parties, travel, or big gatherings might not always fit every family’s plans. Maybe you’re still exploring what traditions work best for your family as it grows and changes. We reached out to local Chicagoans for a little inspiration, and here are the creative ideas they shared for ringing in the New Year as a family. Check them out and see how they might inspire your celebration!

Take a trip down memory lane together - Nora of Memoir for Me shares that simple conversation can lead to better memories, or even older once forgotten ones. Ask one another some of their favorite moments over the past year - share them around the dinner table, write about them in journals, or share photos from those moments if you have them.  You can even interview one another and video the stories and responses to create a time capsule you can build upon year after year.  Here is a simple prompt you can print out to help you and the kids get started, or this longer one great for families and older children.  

Prepare and share a meal -  maybe you have a traditional meal, or have been eyeing a new recipe you saw and this can be a great time to get the kids in on the fun in the kitchen. Feel like being casuaul?  Make it an indoor picnic.  Miss getting fancy?  Dress up and use the good plates and napkins.  Maybe step it up a notch and plan a private cooking party at Junior Chef's Kitchen for up to 20 people? Sharing food with family & friends is a great way to reconnect and celebrate a milestone such as a new year. 

Focus on Growth - I love focusing on the positive and the end of the year, especially a year that may have been more challenging than usual, is a great time to do just this.  Tiana from TK Photography reminded me that growth isn't just a physical thing, so after you mark how much your kids have grown on the closet door, be sure to talk about the ways you have grown mentally and emotionally too!  Once you have wrapped up 2024, move on to 2025 and talk about the ways in which you hope to grow in the coming year and set goals as individuals and a family.  Don't forget to write those goals down and hang them up in a place where you will see them often.  Writing them will help you visualize them and a clear vision of a goal

Have a Party - complete with crowns, noisemakers, countdown, confetti poppers and a balloon drop!  You can certainly buy decorations to deck the halls for NYE but there is a lot you can make on your own, which is also a great way to keep kids busy in the hours leading up to midnight.  

Learn about NYE traditions from other countries and cultures around the world!  Do you wear white in hopes of peace and good luck?  Do you eat 12 grapes at the stroke of midnight?  Maybe you share a smooch or give out gifts? One of the beautiful things about living in Chicago is the diversity around us and all we can learn from talking with our neighbors and friends.  Asking people their traditions is a great way to learn more about the people around us and our own ancestors even.  Do you have a tradition you would like to share?  Please comment here on our Facebook page and let us know!

Have a dance party - or as Natalie M. of Bubbles Academy suggested a Fancy PJ Dance Party!  That sounds even better because all of that extra energy will be burned off AND you will be already dressed for bed.  You can even increase the fancy factor by making these adorable Party Crowns from Kidcreate Studio Chicago and be ready for an (early) countdown before getting some sleep.  

Give gratitude - because even after a year of ups and downs there are always those moments and people in our lives which we are thankful for in 2024. Our family takes turns at dinner to share what we are thankful for and New Year's Eve is a great time to practice this. Do not hesitate to write and send notes of thanks to those in your own lives that have given you something to be thankful for over the course of the past 12 months - friends, teachers, neighbors and local businesses are all on my list this year.

Just relax - this may be the most important one of all and possibly the hardest to do, especially with kids, but at the same time it is an important lesson to model for them.  Putting ourselves first allows us to be there for others. Plan nothing special if you like, put on cozy clothes, read a book, take a nap, break away from social media, work and all those things that pull us in different directions.  Rest up, enjoy quality moments with yourself and family and get ready for the New Year.

Check out these past articles for more great ideas!

2020 New Year's Eve Balloon Countdown

2019 Easy Family Friendly New Years Eve Celebration

2016 Kid-Friendly New Year's Countdown

New Year's Party Poppers

Get Organized for the New Year with our Free Family Safety Binder