PAW Patrol Live! “The Great Pirate Adventure” is based on the top-rated animated preschool series PAW Patrol, airing on Nickelodeon and produced by Spin Master Entertainment. The interactive live stage show encourages audiences to learn pirate catchphrases, help the pups follow the treasure map, dance the pirate boogie, and solve picture puzzles throughout their mission. Since its debut in the Fall of 2016, PAW Patrol Live! has been seen by over 4.3 million people, providing fans in over 40 countries with an unforgettable Broadway-style production. Our Macaroni KID Junior Reporter Adair met with show cast member, Jenna B to discuss what it's like to tour with Paw Patrol Live across North America and what makes these shows great fun for the whole family. Check out their interview here:
In PAW Patrol Live! “The Great Pirate Adventure,” Mayor Goodway is getting everything shipshape for a big Pirate Day celebration in Adventure Bay. When Cap’n Turbot falls into a dark and mysterious cavern, it’s PAW Patrol to the rescue! Chase, Marshall, Rubble, Skye, Rocky, and Zuma save Cap'n Turbot and discover a secret pirate treasure map that leads them on an epic adventure. Things get “ruff” when Mayor Humdinger wants to find the treasure first for Foggy Bottom.
The pups need all paws on deck for this pirate adventure, including help from the newest pup who’s all ears –Tracker! Using their heroic rescue skills, problem-solving, and teamwork, the pups set sail to save the day. No job is too big, no pirate pup is too small!
Tickets for PAW Patrol Live! “The Great Pirate Adventure” at The Chicago Theatre go on sale now at or at the Chicago Theatre box office.