
Macaroni Minute {3.16.17}

Letter from the Editor

By Sara Youngblood-Ochoa, Macaroni Kid Chicago March 17, 2017

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Greetings, Macaroni Parents!โ€‹

Well, winter finally came back to Chicago this week! The winter has been so mild so far, so I was happy to see one more snow. But now I'm done! Bring on spring.

Speaking of spring, Spring Break isn't that far away and if you're planning to stay in town, why not enjoy a local staycation? Check out the giveaway for Legoland and a night's stay at a hotel in Schaumburg - FUN!

Also, be sure to RSVP for the upcoming Macaroni Kid/Happy Family Cooking Party. Space is limited, so don't miss your chance to join us for some yummy food and a fun craft! Hope to see you there.

As always, my goal is to bring you a jam-packed calendar every week, so be sure to check out the events section on the website to find your family fun! Am I missing an event, shoot me an email, so I can add it to the calendar.

Peace, love and macaroni,

Sara (